The thrill of listening to music live, immersed in the ambience and sounds of your favorite artist is one of the great joys of life. However, it’s important when enjoying music that you are also protecting your hearing. Repeated exposure to loud noise at concerts and festivals can damage our inner ear, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss and/or tinnitus, ringing in the ear. The right concert ear plugs allow you to protect your hearing without taking away from the concert experience.
Unlike normal foam ear plugs that muffle or block all sound, concert ear plugs can filter out background noise and reduce sound to a safer level without sacrificing sound integrity or richness. When you have them on, you will be able to enjoy concerts without the worry of hearing damage. Keep reading to learn why ear plugs are important and the 5 best concert ear plugs for your next concert!
Why Concert Ear Plugs Are Important
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), repeated exposure to noise above 85 decibels can damage your ear and result in hearing loss. For your reference, 85 decibels is the sound of heavy city traffic or a lawnmower. Concerts and live music are around 100 decibels or higher, so it is very important to take precautions such as wearing ear plugs to protect your hearing.
Although hearing worsens as we age, all people are still susceptible to hearing damage. According to a CDC analysis of a 2017 study, around 24% of adults aged 20-69 years old presumably had noise-induced hearing loss. Therefore, everyone should understand the role loud noise can have on one’s hearing and how to protect it.
We have compiled a list of the 5 best concert ear plugs that will be effective in protecting your hearing and comfortable enough to wear all concert long.
1. EarPeace Music Ear Plugs
The EarPeace Music Ear Plugs are hypoallergenic silicone ear plugs that protect your hearing by delivering sound at a much safer volume level without disrupting the quality and richness of the sound. It comes with three different sizes, three sets of high fidelity filters, and an aluminum carrying case. EarPeace’s different filters allow you to interchangeably adjust the level of hearing protection you want in your given environment. The EarPeace Music Ear Plugs currently retail for $24.95.

2. Etymotic ETY ER20 High Fidelity Ear Plugs
The Etymotic ETY ER20 High Fidelity Ear Plugs are high fidelity ear plugs that replicate the natural response of the ear to deliver clear sound to the ear at a safer, quieter level. When fitted properly, they can reduce noise levels by 20db. They come in two sizes, standard and large, and it includes a carrying case and neck cord for convenient use. The ETY ER20 High Fidelity Ear Plugs currently retails for $24.95.

3. Eargasm High Fidelity Ear Plugs
The Eargasm High Fidelity Ear Plugs are comfortable hypoallergenic silicone ear plugs that protect your hearing while still allowing you to hear conversation and music with clarity. They come in two different sizes, a metal container for easy transport, and pull tabs at the ends for easy insert and removal. With over 100,000 customers, they are loved by many concert-goers as well as others who simply want to protect their hearing. The Eargasm High Fidelity Ear Plugs currently retail for $35.88

4. Vibes High Fidelity
The Vibes High Fidelity Ear Plugs are sleek ear plugs that offer an approximate 22db of noise reduction and hearing protection. With your purchase, you get one pair of ear plugs, three interchangeable fit sizes (small, medium, and large), and a pocket-sized hard case for easy transport. Featured on Shark Tank and Rolling Stone, these ear plugs provide high quality protection. The Vibes High Fidelity Ear Plugs currently retails for $23.99, shipping included.

5. Hearprotek High Fidelity Music Ear Plugs
The Hearprotek High Fidelity Music Earplugs are comfortable earplugs that reduce noise up to 20db for your hearing protection. It comes in two different sizes and an aluminum carrying case with a carabiner. It’s designed to have an ergonomic curved shape to follow the ear canal for a comfortable fit, perfect for those who need ear protection for a prolonged amount of time. The Hearprotek High Fidelity Music Ear Plugs currently retails for $15.99.

We hope you enjoyed our list of best concert ear plugs and use it as a resource when purchasing your next pair of ear plugs.
AudioCardio is a technology company focused on hearing health and wellness. Learn how AudioCardio can help maintain and strengthen your hearing with your favorite headphones or hearing aids at