This month, we’d like to highlight and share the work our partner Glenn Schweitzer is providing to help people find relief for their tinnitus and Meniere’s disease.
Glenn is an author, entrepreneur, tinnitus coach, and the creator of the popular blogs, Rewiring Tinnitus and Mind Over Meniere’s.
Mind Over Meniere’s and Rewiring Tinnitus was started by Glenn to help those suffering from Meniere’s disease and tinnitus after suffering from his own issues with these conditions and the symptoms and finding ways to alleviate his issues.
Glenn’s work has been featured by organizations such as the American Tinnitus Association, the Vestibular Disorders Association, Healthy Hearing, The Hearing Loss Association of America, and many others. Glenn has worked with hundreds of tinnitus sufferers all over the world to help them habituate and find relief from the ringing in their ears.
Glenn’s mission is to provide insight, inspiration, hope, and most of all, relief to his clients.
Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease: Glenn’s Story
As Glenn states on his website, Mind Over Meniere’s:
I’m Glenn and I was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. It was a dark time in my life. The vertigo and dizziness were debilitating. After months of suffering, I finally saw a specialist who changed everything and filled me with hope. I took my health into my own hands and started making changes. It’s been quite a journey and along the way I’ve discovered countless strategies and tricks for overcoming my Meniere’s disease. Today I find myself thriving, healthier in mind, body, and spirit then I’ve ever been before.
He also highlights the fact that his Meniere’s disease exacerbated his tinnitus:
Suddenly, my Tinnitus was no longer the quiet high pitched tone that I was used to. It was much louder, and layered with lower pitched tones and constant whooshing sound. It made it hard to fall asleep and even harder to focus. The noise steadily added to my already high levels of anxiety that I was experiencing over my diagnosis. It tormented me, day and night.
But that was then. Fast forward a few years, and I am happy to report that my Tinnitus no longer bothers me at all. Completely by accident, I stumbled onto several treatments that radically rewired my emotional, psychological, and physical response to the sound. Almost overnight, it stopped bothering me. And I know I’m not alone.

Tinnitus and Coaching: Glenn’s Work
Glenn is passionate about helping others who suffer from tinnitus and vestibular disorders like Meniere’s disease. Part of his mission is to raise awareness for tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, and other vestibular disorders, spreading his message of hope to those in need.
Each of Glenn’s blogs provides insightful information on tinnitus and Meniere’s disease, along with solutions to address them, and one-on-one coaching to give you a more tailored approach for your specific needs. Glenn has worked with hundreds of tinnitus sufferers all over the world to help them habituate and find relief from the ringing in their ears.
Glenn’s personalized coaching starts off by first understanding the individual’s personal experience with tinnitus. From there, he creates a customized tinnitus habituation strategy for you to follow. In addition to the habituation strategy, he will recommend some exercises and lifestyle changes that can help with managing your tinnitus. Over time, individuals will gain a better understanding of their tinnitus and how to mentally manage it.
Here are some testimonials of individuals who have received Glenn’s coaching and gotten the benefits from it.
“Glenn’s coaching helped me turn my tinnitus from a life-ruining catastrophe to a manageable inconvenience in a matter of months. He gave me personalized and empathetic advice, explaining every step in a clear manner and keeping me motivated. He guided me to do increasingly harder coping exercises, but only when I was ready to try them, and they always brought some amount of immediate relief, so it was easy to keep progressing. I highly recommend Glenn’s approach because now my brain has truly been rewired to not be bothered by tinnitus.” – Stefano P
“Glenn’s tinnitus coaching sessions on rewiring tinnitus were very valuable for me. During the time we worked together, I found him to be supportive, passionate and ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU!
Because he is a past sufferer, he was able to empathize and in a better position to understand.
His strategies were very helpful as I navigated around the anxiety of having this dreaded condition. He took the fear away and through his assurances, I was able to find relief from the stress of it all. He explained and demystified the entire ordeal and provided tools on how to get past the spikes, manage this condition and work through the challenges that tinnitus poses.
Most of all, he provided tools and counsel on how to weather this disease.
With his help, I’m on the road to habituation and on the journey to conquering this disease so it doesn’t overcome me.
Thanks, Glenn!” – Melody M.
Tinnitus and Coaching: Glenn’s Work
We reached out to Glenn after discovering his websites, his corresponding books and learning more about his tinnitus coaching practice. Being an innovator and forward thinking tinnitus coach, Glenn asked all the right questions from the start and wanted to test AudioCardio for himself. He wanted to be sure that we were safe and effective before making any recommendations for his clients. As he started to validate our technology, he began to recommend the AudioCardio app to a few of his clients. Glenn started to get the positive results and feedback he needed to start incorporating the AudioCardio sound therapy as part of his practice. With permission, Glenn and his client shared their experience and outcome with using AudioCardio with his coaching below.

This type of feedback and validation of our work helps keep us passionate and energized to do more for our communities! As our partnership continues to grow, we look forward to finding more ways to support Glenn’s work. We are proud and grateful to be working with organizations and individuals who educate, inspire, and give hope.
Learn more about Glenn’s journey, his books, and his work by visiting the Mind Over Meniere’s or Rewiring Tinnitus websites.
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