Lower Your Risk for Tinnitus | AudioCardio

5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Tinnitus

Do you hear ringing or buzzing in the ears without an external sound source?  If this is the case, you may have tinnitus. Millions of people are affected worldwide, and it can be temporary or permanent, mild, moderate, severe, progressive, or sudden. Humming, ringing, clicking, buzzing, roaring, and hissing are some of the most common noises experienced and associated with tinnitus.

Here are five simple tips to help keep your ears healthy and prevent you from getting tinnitus.

Protect Your Hearing: When you’re in a noisy area, use hearing protection such as earplugs. Comfortable custom pieces can be manufactured with filters to allow you to hear speech. Earplugs made of soft foam also perform well and are inexpensive. Continuous sound from a hairdryer, lawnmower, or factory machine can cause severe internal ear damage. Noise-induced tinnitus affects more than just military personnel and car mechanics; it also affects dentists, lab assistants, and hairstylists who have been exposed to moderate noise levels over time. That’s why the first step is to protect your hearing.

Avoid Loud Noises: The best strategy for avoiding tinnitus is to stay as far away from loud noises as possible. In general, noise is loud enough to cause tinnitus if – you have to raise your voice to communicate with others, you can’t understand what people around you are saying, it hurts your ears, and you have ringing in your ears or muffled hearing as a result. Decibels (dB) are used to measure noise levels; the greater the number, the louder the noise. Any sound exceeding 85 decibels can be damaging, especially if you are exposed to it for an extended period.

When Listening To Music, Be Cautious: One of the most serious threats to your tinnitus is listening to loud music through earphones or headphones. Use noise-canceling earphones or headphones to protect your hearing. Do not simply increase the volume to drown out outside noise. Increase the level only to the point where you can hear your music clearly, but not any higher. Also, don’t listen to music at more than 60% of maximum volume — some devices have settings that automatically limit the volume. Remember that lowering the volume just a little can make a significant impact on your risk of tinnitus.

Have Your Hearing Checked: If you’re concerned that you’re losing your hearing, have a hearing test as soon as possible. Tinnitus should be detected early so that action can be taken. If you’re at a higher risk of noise-induced hearing loss, such as being a musician or working in a noisy environment, you might consider getting regular hearing checks (once a year, for example).

Increase Your Sleep Time: There is a direct correlation between exhaustion and tinnitus. Many people who would never acquire tinnitus otherwise can hear it start if they don’t get enough sleep. One of the reasons tinnitus can be louder at night is because of this. The body, and especially the ears, benefit from seven to eight hours of sleep per night. As a result, sleep aids in the reduction of tinnitus.

Do Not Use Cotton Swabs: Put down the cotton swab. While it may appear like you’re getting rid of a lot of wax, the earwax on the Q-tip would have come out on its own. Old earwax is pushed out of the ear when fresh wax is created, cleaning the ear canal of dust and debris. Using a cotton swab is not only ineffective; it can also scratch the ear canal’s walls and push the wax deeper into the ear canal, causing a buildup or causing injury to the eardrum. If you have wax accumulation in your ear that is causing hearing loss, tinnitus, or discomfort, you should seek medical help rather than trying to remove it yourself.

Keep Your Ears Dry: While taking a bath, swimming, excess water lingering can get into the ear canal, leading to bacterial growth and infection. Mild symptoms such as redness and moderate discomfort are common at the outset of an infection. It can turn into a more serious infection and create consequences if left untreated. To avoid this, gently dry your ears with a towel and tilt your head while softly tucking your outer ear to allow trapped water to exit.

Tinnitus can be caused by a variety of ways and can be experienced in unique ways. You can help yourself avoid certain types of tinnitus by implementing and practicing the steps listed above. For more information about the AudioCardio app, please reach out to us at info@audiocardio.com or learn more about the benefits of our product and technology here.