Can Sound Therapy Help With Hyperacusis?

Sound therapy can be an option for managing hyperacusis, though it may not work for everyone. Hyperacusis is a condition characterized by an increased sensitivity to sound and happens to be the most common type of sound tolerance conditions. Hyperacusis can cause discomfort and pain in response to even moderate levels of noise. It often occurs together with tinnitus

Sound therapy for hyperacusis typically involves the use of low-level noise or music to gradually desensitize the ears to sound. This can be done using devices such as white noise machines or through a process called tinnitus retraining therapy, which uses sound to reduce the brain’s response to loud noises.

Sound therapy may reduce the symptoms of hyperacusis in some of the following ways:

  • Rehabilitation of the ear to improve the brain’s ability to receive more accurate sounds 
  • Restoration of the auditory system to increase the ability for better moderation of the volume of sounds that reach the brain
  • The remapping of brain pathways and the reduction of the hyperactive neural firing 
  • Reduce the awareness of tinnitus through partial masking 
  • Reduced perception of the loudness of tinnitus in the brain


Research has shown that sound therapy can be effective in desensitizing hyperacusis symptoms. Though keep in mind that not everyone experiences the same level of improvement. It is important to work with a qualified healthcare professional who can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.